Corporate System Administrator
- Creates organization hierarchical structure on system
- Loads employee User Files (or bulk-imports records from HRIS/HRMS)
- Sets appraisal frequency (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12-monthly)
- Sets user access/security levels
- Assigns Divisional System Administrators (if needed)
- Manages User ID’s and Passwords
- Creates online Job/Role Descriptions (optional)
- Creates position-specific Appraisal Templates
- Bulk-creates appraisals for selected or all units/employees (on behalf of managers)
- Manages auto emails and instant bulk emails
- Monitors the status of appraisals organization-wide
- Moderates the quality of appraisals organization-wide
- Extracts performance data and statistics from a range of advanced reports
Divisional System Administrator/s
- Loads/edits Divisional employee User Files
- Sets access/security levels of Divisional staff
- Sets up and edits Divisional appraisor teams
- Monitors the status of appraisals in assigned Divisions
- Moderates the quality of appraisals in assigned Divisions
- Extracts Divisional performance data and statistics from a range of advanced reports
- (These functions are handled by the Corporate System Administrator if size of organization does not require Divisional Administrators. Divisional System Administrators are only allowed to see and manage the employee and appraisal records of those units, branches, regions, or locations that were assigned to them in the system.)
Appraisor (Line Manager)
- Creates Appraisals (Performance Agreements) for each team member (downloaded from Appraisal Template Database, or designed from scratch). Tailors for each team member as necessary
- Logs performance notes, for each team member, throughout performance period
- Conducts (facilitates) appraisal interviews, and enters jointly agreed Ratings, Actual Performance Notes, and Performance Optimization Plans (POPs)
- Updates employee Personal Development Plans (PDPs), by consulting their POPs
- Extracts unit performance data and statistics from a range of advanced reports
Appraisee (all levels)
- Views and executes own Performance Agreement
- Logs own performance notes throughout performance period
- Attends appraisal interview
- Executes Performance Optimization Plan and newly-agreed Goals, Objectives, KPIs, and/or Competencies for next performance period
- Executes/attends agreed PDP learning activities