Sample Rating Key

We use rating key from 0 to 5 and you can define any types of rating base on the key. Please find the below for some samples.

These rating key is from N/A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The description or usage is user definable.

Generic Rating Key 1

5 Consistently Exceeding Expectations – reflects performance that is consistently exceptional on a continuing basis.
4 Frequently Exceeding Expectations – reflects performance that exceeds expectations on an intermittent but frequent basis.
3 Fully Meeting Expectations – reflects steady, competent performance (100% level).
2 Frequently Below Expectations – reflects performance that is regularly not meeting established standards.
1 Consistently Below Expectations – reflects performance that is consistently not meeting established standards.

Generic Rating Key 2

5 Significantly Above Target/Standard (i.e. exceptional)
4 Above Target/Standard
3 On Target/Standard (may include slight deviations plus or minus)
2 Below Target/Standard
1 Significantly Below Target/Standard (i.e. unacceptable)

Generic Competency Rating Key

5 Significantly Above Target/Standard. This competency was demonstrated in a way that sets an exceptional good example to others
4 Above Target/Standard. There were some instances where the appraisee clearly demonstrated extra effort and competency beyond the normal call of duty
3 On Target/Standard. The competency was displayed at a fairly high level (as per minimum position requirement) throughout the performance period. One or two instances of less serious under-achievement should still be viewed as deserving of a 3-rating. Rule: Consider (a) the seriousness of the under-achievement, (b) its frequency of occurrence, and (c) the length of the performance period
2 Below Target/Standard. There were some instances of under-achievement that cannot be viewed as small negative deviations from standard
1 Significantly Below Target/Standard. There were some serious and/or many deviations from standard

Exercising Core Competencies

5 Consistently exceeding expectations
4 Consistently meeting and occasionally exceeding expectations
3 Consistently meeting expectations
2 Meeting expectations
1 Needing guidance and coaching

Three-Point Rating Key

5 Significantly Above Target/Standard (i.e. exceptional)
4 N/A
3 On Target/Standard (may include slight deviations plus or minus)
2 N/A
1 Significantly Below Target/Standard (i.e. unacceptable)